Does AI dream of Schrodinger's Cat?
Two New Interviews about the Life and Work of Robert Anton Wilson, the dream life of cats, and greening the air.
Hey everyone,
Did you know that cats sleep for over 70% of their lives? So, given that a cat may live for 12 years, 70% of that time is nearly 8 1/2 years! That’s wild. We also know that cats experience REM sleep and most likely dream, so it’s quite probable that for most of their lives on earth cats are spent dreaming. I don’t exactly what this has to do with Robert Anton Wilson but it’s a good opener.
Well, I just wanted to quickly let you know about two recent interviews I did for my book Chapel Perilous: The Life & Thought Crimes of Robert Anton Wilson.
The most recent is with the great Caroline Casey, on her Visionary Activist Radio Show, broadcast on the Bay’s Area’s KPFA, 94.1 FM and Los Angeles’ KPFK, 90.7 FM. This was a fun talk with Caroline as she was part of that original crew of readers who picked up Wilson’s Illuminatus! Trilogy when it was first published in 1975! I’ve been an admirer of Caroline’s work for many years and to be interviewed by her and be broadcast in Berkeley about Robert Anton Wilson was special.
(Special Thanks to Eddy Nix, who helped facilitate the interview. Eddy runs Driftless Books in Viroqua, Wisconsin, a store I highly recommend!)
Another recent is with Jake Weaver and his podcast, Midnight, On Earth with whom I sat and spoke with about the life and work of Robert Anton Wilson. Jake is a super positive interviewer and was a fun person to speak with it about Wilson. Have a listen
Also, Jules and Sean at the Wetwired podcast just released the full recording of our conversation about Wilson and why he’s so important today. So, if you did not get a chance to listen to the whole interview, here it is.
I’ve sought to include differing information about Wilson in each interview. So, one can listen to each and gain a deeper wider expanse of knowledge around Wilson’s life and times.
Finally, in unrelated news, I’ve repurposed an old coffee table into a planter box and did so in a day’s work. Currently, the box contains two spider plants, two types of snake plants and a purple heart plant. Yesterday, a purple gecko crawled along the apartment floor emerging from some source of foliage that now fills the walls. The mission has been to clean the air of our apartment, nestled between two scrap metal yards, as much as possible by over stuffing the place with plants. I just glanced away from the screen and looked at the root of a giant rosemary bush waiting to be potted. The vision is a mini-indoor arboretum or even more extreme, a first take on creating what the artist Paul Laffoley called “Das Urpflanze Haus,’ in our apartment. Regardless of the outcome, most of these plants have been free, given away by previous “owners” on various websites. I like that people do that in LA. I’m thinking of building a loft space next.
Peace Out
This is great stuff Prop, building strong!
What a hoot to hear your well executed storytelling in revisiting Bob. Thanks so much